Felicia Hemans

Kindred Hearts

OH! ask not, hope thou not too much
 Of sympathy below;
Few are the hearts whence one same touch
 Bids the sweet fountains flow:
Few-and by still conflicting powers
 Forbidden here to meet–
Such ties would make this life of ours
 Too fair for aught so fleet.
It may be that thy brother’s eye
 Sees not as thine, which turns
In such deep reverence to the sky,
 Where the rich sunset burns:
It may be, that the breath of spring,
 Born amidst violets lone,
A rapture o’er thy soul can bring
 A dream, to his unknown.
The tune that speaks of other times–
 A sorrowful delight!
The melody of distant chimes,
 The sound of waves by night,
The wind that, with so many a tone,
 Some chord within can thrill,-
These may have language all thine own,
 To him a mystery still.
Yet scorn thou not, for this, the true
 And steadfast love of years;
The kindly, that from childhood grew,
 The faithful to thy tears!
If there be one that o’er the dead
 Hath in thy grief borne part,
And watch’d through sickness by thy bed,-
 Call his a kindred heart!
But for those bonds all perfect made,
 Wherein bright spirits blend,
Like sister flowers of one sweet shade,
 With the same breeze that bend,
For that full bliss of thought allied,
 Never to mortals given,-
Oh! lay thy lovely dreams aside,
 Or lift them unto Heaven.
Autres oeuvres par Felicia Hemans...
