Fatima Nusairat

Die alone in the yellow night

As heavy shadows..
I walked..
While the sun stumble
In her footsteps!,
I know that the long-distance
Will get smaller..
When the horizon drink it..
But I am lonely..;
And there is no call..
Will wake up the dead
Nor the silence jolting..
Linden shades,
Entrances of the thresholds,
Rust of the windows,
The boxes,
The drawers,
The cupboards,
The rooms,
The saloon,
The kitchen,
The photographs
The letters,
The clothing..
And..the cold breaths
While the grief jumps in my blood
And steal all my attempts to sleep!,
The grief Became look like me..
And dissolves in me as embers thaws
In the flames...!,
I know, that the walls of oblivion
When gnawing by nostalgia will end..,
Perhaps, when light tremble
Your spectrum will emitting,
Maybe if I realized a little bit..
How I retained your smell
Before drowsiness possessed me
But I am lonely..
And this night sleeps under the ice!,
I answered you, when you asked me:
There is no way to predict what..
The heart of the river hides!,
Maybe, when he overflows..;
Every thing will show up..
The details of the truth,
The whine of the night,
Knocking, on the doors by
Those whom had passed,
The leaves of poplar when howling of the wind,
Smell of the mountains..
When it flows of memories,
Or.. visions redolent of scared
When the night erase every thing
But himself..!


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