207 Tho’ I get home how late—how late… So I get home—’twill compensate— Better will be the Ecstasy That they have done expecting me—
Proud of my broken heart, since th… Proud of the pain, I did not feel… Proud of my night, since thou, wit… Not to partake thy passion, –my hu… Thou can’st not boast, like Jesus…
983 Ideals are the Fairly Oil With which we help the Wheel But when the Vital Axle turns The Eye rejects the Oil.
A Route of Evanescence With a revolving Wheel— A Resonance of Emerald— A Rush of Cochineal— And every Blossom on the Bush
412 I read my sentence—steadily— Reviewed it with my eyes, To see that I made no mistake In its extremest clause—
353 A happy lip—breaks sudden— It doesn’t state you how It contemplated—smiling— Just consummated—now—
Ended, ere it begun - The Title was scarcely told When the Preface perished from Co… The Story, unrevealed - Had it been mine, to print!
253 You see I cannot see—your lifetim… I must guess— How many times it ache for me—toda… How many times for my far sake
The Hills erect their Purple Hea… The Rivers lean to see Yet Man has not of all the Throng A Curiosity.
118 My friend attacks my friend! Oh Battle picturesque! Then I turn Soldier too, And he turns Satirist!
857 Uncertain lease—develops lustre On Time Uncertain Grasp, appreciation Of Sum—
The bustle in a house The morning after death Is solemnest of industries Enacted upon earth,— The sweeping up the heart,
XX ARCTURUS is his other name,— I ’d rather call him star! It ’s so unkind of science To go and interfere!
This is my letter to the world, That never wrote to me,- The simple news that Nature told, With tender majesty Her message is committed
603 He found my Being—set it up— Adjusted it to place— Then carved his name—upon it— And bade it to the East