515 No Crowd that has occurred Exhibit—I suppose That General Attendance That Resurrection—does—
Part One: Life LI IT tossed and tossed,— A little brig I knew,— O’ertook by blast,
The Snow that never drifts - The transient, fragrant snow That comes a single time a Year Is softly driving now - So thorough in the Tree
637 The Child’s faith is new— Whole—like His Principle— Wide—like the Sunrise On fresh Eyes—
Some Days retired from the rest In soft distinction lie The Day that a Companion came Or was obliged to die
305 The difference between Despair And Fear—is like the One Between the instant of a Wreck And when the Wreck has been—
634 You’ll know Her—by Her Foot— The smallest Gamboge Hand With Fingers—where the Toes shoul… Would more affront the Sand—
‘They have not chosen me,’ he said… ‘But I have chosen them!’ Brave’—Broken hearted statement’— Uttered in Bethlehem! I could not have told it,
She sweeps with many-colored broom… And leaves the shreds behind; Oh, housewife in the evening west, Come back, and dust the pond! You dropped a purple ravelling in,
666 Ah, Teneriffe! Retreating Mountain! Purples of Ages—pause for you— Sunset—reviews her Sapphire Regim…
57 To venerate the simple days Which lead the seasons by, Needs but to remember That from you or I,
The Soul unto itself Is an imperial friend— Or the most agonizing Spy— An Enemy—could send— Secure against its own—
578 The Body grows without— The more convenient way— That if the Spirit—like to hide Its Temple stands, alway,
Two butterflies went out at noon And waltzed above a stream, Then stepped straight through the… And rested on a beam; And then together bore away
XXIV WHETHER my bark went down at se… Whether she met with gales, Whether to isles enchanted She bent her docile sails;