#Americans #Women #PoemsOfPower
All the uniforms were blue, all th… When the regiment went marching do… All the men were hale and strong a… Through the cheers that drowned th… Oh the music of the feet keeping t…
Sitting alone by the window, Watching the moonlit street, Bending my head to listen To the well-known sound of your fe… I have been wondering, darling,
Methought a great wind swept acros… And all the toilers perished. The… Pale terror blanch the rosy face o… And careless eyes grow full of fea… The sounds of pleasure ceased; the…
If I should die, to-day, To-morrow, maybe, the world would… Would waken from sleep, and say, “Why here was talent! why here was… Why here was a luminous light o’ t…
Who is a Christian in this Christ… Of many churches and of lofty spir… Not he who sits in soft upholstere… Bought by the profits of unholy gr… And looks devotion, while he think…
Oh, for the power to call to aid,… Own humble Muse, the famed and sa… Then might she fitly sing, and onl… Of those intrepid and unflinching… Who knew no homes save ever moving…
I saw fond lovers in that glow That oft-times fades away too soon… I saw and said, ‘Their joy I know… I, too, have had my honeymoon.’ A young expectant mother’s gaze
Upon the white cheek of the Cheru… I saw a tear. Alas! I murmured, that the Year s… So soon a sorrow. Just then the sunlight fell with s…
There was a kingdom known as the… A kingdom vast as fair, And the brave king, Brain, had th… In royal splendor there. Oh! that was a beautiful, beautifu…
Three Souls there were that reach… And gained permission of the Guar… Barred from the bliss of Paradise… They did not ask or hope to enter… ‘We loved one woman (thus their st…
The world was widowed by the death… Vainly its suffering soul for peac… And found it not. For nothing, nothing, nothing has… To bring back comfort to the stric…
Methinks ofttimes my heart is like… That goes forth through the summer… And gathers honey from all growing… In garden plot, or on the clover l… When the long afternoon grows late…
Not we who daily walk the city’s Not those who have been cradled in… Best understand its architectural… Or realise its grandeur. Oft we… Some stranger who has staid his pa…
I think men’s great capacity for p… Proves his immortal birthright. I… No merely human mind could bear th… Of some tremendous sorrows we endu… Art’s most ingenious breastworks f…
This is the world’s stupendous hou… The supreme moment for the race To see the emptiness of power, The worthlessness of wealth and pl… To see the purpose and the plan