The final word in the title of this volume refers to the Divine Power in every human being, the recognition of which is the secret to all success and happiness. It is this idea which m...
The Queen is taking a drive to-da… They have hung with purple the car… They have dressed with purple the… Where the Queen goes forth and ne… Let no man labour as she goes by
A curious vision on mine eyes unfu… In the deep night. I saw, or see… Two Centuries meet, and sit down… Across the great round table of th… One with suggested sorrows in his…
In the midst of sunny waters, lo!… Staggers, bruised and torn and wou… One that drifted from its moorings… On the deck our noble Pilot, in t… Lies in woe-impelling silence, dea…
As the funeral train with its hono… On its mournful way went sweeping, While a sorrowful nation bowed its… And the whole world joined in weep… I thought, as I looked on the sol…
God and I in space alone And nobody else in view. “And where are the people, O Lord… “The earth below, and the sky o’er… And the dead whom once I knew?”
I am serenity. Though passions b… Like mighty billows on my helpless… I know beyond them lies the perfec… Serenity, which patience can impar… And when wild tempests in my bosom…
I know not whence I came, I know not whither I go; But the fact stands clear that I… In this world of pleasure and woe. And out of the mist and murk
Do you wish the world were better? Let me tell you what to do: Set a watch upon your actions, Keep them always straight and true… Rid your mind of selfish motives;
We two make home of any place we g… We two find joy in any kind of wea… Or if the earth is clothed in bloo… If summer days invite, or bleak wi… What matters it if we two are toge…
Why should the poet of these pregn… Be asked to sing of war’s unholy c… To laud and eulogize the trade whi… On horrid holocausts of human live… Man was a fighting beast when eart…
All the aim of life is just Getting back to God. Spirit casting off its dust, Getting back to God. Every grief we have to bear
She must be honest, both in though… Of generous impulse, and above all… Not seeking praise, or place, or p… But life’s best blessings for her… Which means the best for all.
Let me to-day do something that sh… A little sadness from the world’s… And may I be so favoured as to ma… Of joy’s too scanty sum a little m… Let me not hurt, by any selfish de…
Oh! I hear the people calling thr… They are calling, they are crying… It behooves you, men and women, it… For there lurks a note of menace u… Let the land usurpers listen, let…
Oh! the earth is full of sinning And of trouble and of woe, But the devil makes an inning Every time we say it’s so. And the way to set him scowling,
A lovely little keeper of the home… Absorbed in menu books, yet erudit… When I need counsel; quick at rep… And slow to anger. Modest as a f… Yet scintillant and radiant as a s…
Be careful what rubbish you toss i… On outgoing billows it drifts from… But back on the incoming waves it… And land at your threshold again b… Be careful what rubbish you toss i…
Hark! high o’er the rattle and cla… Of traffic-filled streets, do you… And pushing and rushing to see wha… Like herds of wild cattle, go pell… There’s a fire in the city! the en…
All the uniforms were blue, all th… When the regiment went marching do… All the men were hale and strong a… Through the cheers that drowned th… Oh the music of the feet keeping t…
You do but jest, sir, and you jest… How could the hand be enemy of the… Or seed and sod be rivals! How c… Feel jealousy of heat, plant of th… Or competition dwell ’twixt lip an…
Who travels alone with his eyes on… Though he laughs in the day time o… For courage goes down at the set o… When the toil of the journey is al… He speeds but to grief though full…
The earth is yours and mine, Our God’s bequest. That testament divine Who dare contest? Usurpers of the earth,
I leave with God to-morrow’s wher… And do concern myself but with the… That little word, though half the… Well used, holds twice its meaning… Like one blindfolded groping out h…
With every rising of the sun Think of your life as just begun. The past has shrived and buried de… All yesterdays—there let them slee… Nor seek to summon back one ghost
Do you know what moves the tides As they swing from low to high? ’Tis the love, love, love, Of the moon within the sky. Oh! they follow where she guides,
If you are sighing for a lofty wor… If great ambitions dominate your m… Just watch yourself and see you do… The common little ways of being ki… If you are dreaming of a future go…
Over and over and over These truths I will weave in song… That God’s great plan needs you a… That will is greater than destiny, And that love moves the world alon…
Begin each morning with a talk to… And ask for your divine inheritanc… Of usefulness, contentment, and su… Resign all fear, all doubt, and al… The stars doubt not, and they are…
Words are great forces in the real… Be careful of their use. Who tal… Of poverty, of sickness, but sets… These very elements to mar his fat… When love, health, happiness, and…
Wise men tell me thou, O Fate, Art invincible and great. Well, I own thy prowess; still Dare I flount thee, with my will. Thou canst shatter in a span
Use all your hidden forces. Do not miss the purpose of this li… and do not wait for circumstance to mold or change your fate. In your own self lies destiny.
When mighty issues loom before us,… The petty great men of the day see… Like pigmies standing in a blaze o… Before some grim majestic mountain… War, with its bloody and impartial…
Whenever I am prone to doubt or w… I check myself, and say, “That mi… Who made the solar system cannot b… And for the best all things are be… Who set the stars on their eternal…
Time’s finger on the dial of my li… Points to high noon! and yet the h… Leaves less than half remaining, f… Bleak shadows of the grave engulf… To those who burn the candle to th…
With each strong thought, with eve… For aught thou deemest needful to… Invisible vast forces are set thro… Between thee and that goal ’Tis only when some hidden weaknes…
Smile a little, smile a little, As you go along, Not alone when life is pleasant, But when things go wrong. Care delights to see you frowning,
Man has explored all countries and… And made his own the secrets of ea… Now, ere the world has fully reach… The oval earth lies compassed with… The seas are slaves to ships that…
As we journey along, with a laugh… We see, on youth’s flower-decked s… Like a beacon of light, shining fa… The beautiful Station of Hope. But the wheels of old Time roll a…
Like some schoolmaster, kind in be… Who hears the children crying o’er… And calling, “Help me, master!” y… Since in his silence and refusal l… Their self-development, so God ab…
We walk on starry fields of white And do not see the daisies, For blessings common in our sight We rarely offer praises. We sigh for some supreme delight
I see the tall church steeples— They reach so far, so far; But the eyes of my heart see the w… Where the starving people are. I hear the church bells ringing
Hadst thou a ship, in whose vast h… The priceless riches of all climes… Say, woudst thou let it float upon… Unpiloted, of fickle winds the spo… And of wild waves and hidden rocks…
All in the dark we grope along, And if we go amiss We learn at least which path is wr… And there is gain in this. We do not always win the race
A yacht from its harbour ropes pul… And leaped like a steed o’er the r… Then up behind her, the dust of th… A gray fog, drifted, and hid her f…
Love thyself last. Look near, be… To those who walk beside thee down… Make glad their days by little act… And help them bear the burden of e… Love thyself last. Look far and…
When Christmas bells are swinging… We hear sweet voices ringing from… And etched on vacant places, Are half forgotten faces Of friends we used to cherish, and…
I am a river flowing from God’s s… Through devious ways. He mapped… I cannot change it; mine alone the… To keep the waters free from grime… The winding river ends where it be…
There is much that makes me sorry… And I seem to see more pathos in… I’m sorry for the strong, brave me… But who, in their own troubled hou… I’m sorry for the victors who have…
If all the end of this continuous… Were simply to attain, How poor would seem the planning a… The endless urging and the hurried… Of body, heart, and brain!
The mighty forces of mysterious sp… Are one by one subdued by lordly m… The awful lightning that for eons… Their devastating and untrammelled… Now bear his messages from place t…
You will be what you will to be; Let failure find its false content In that poor word “environment,” But spirit scorns it, and is free. It masters time, it conquers space…
Nay, seer, I do not doubt thy mys… Nor question that the tenor of my… Past, present and the future, is r… There in my horoscope. I do beli… That yon dead moon compels the hau…
Under the snow, in the dark and th… A pale little sprout was humming; Sweetly it sang, ’neath the frozen… Of the beautiful days that were co… “How foolish your songs!” said a l…
The times are not degenerate. Man… Mounts higher than of old. No cr… Can take from the immortal soul th… Of that supreme Creator, God. T… Of dead beliefs we cherished in ou…
Beside us in our seeking after ple… Through all our restless striving… Through all our search for worldly… There walketh one whom no man like… Silent he follows, veiled of form…
The uses of sorrow I comprehend Better and better at each year’s e… Deeper and deeper I seem to see Why and wherefore it has to be. Only after the dark, wet days
’Twixt what thou art, and what tho… No “If” arise on which to lay the… Man makes a mountain of that puny… But, like a blade of grass before… It falls and withers when a human…
There are two kinds of people on e… Just two kinds of people, no more,… Not the sinner and saint, for it’s… The good are half bad, and the bad… Not the rich and the poor, for to…
Our thoughts are moulding unmade s… And, like a blessing or a curse, They thunder down the formless yea… And ring throughout the universe. We build our futures by the shape