#Americans #Women #PoemsOfPower
Talk happiness. The world is sad… Without your woes. No path is who… Look for the places that are smoot… And speak of those, to rest the we… Of Earth, so hurt by one continuo…
She waited in a rose-hued room; A wanton-hearted creature she, But beautiful and bright to see As some great orchid just in bloom… Upon wide cushions stretched at ea…
I think men’s great capacity for p… Proves his immortal birthright. I… No merely human mind could bear th… Of some tremendous sorrows we endu… Art’s most ingenious breastworks f…
I’m pardoned out. Again the stars Shine on me with their myriad eyes… So long I’ve peered ‘twixt iron b… I’m awed by this expanse of skies. The world is wider than I thought…
Life has its shadows, as well as i… Its lights and its shades, all twi… I tried to single them out, one by… Single and count them, determining… There was less blue than there was…
Sometimes when I have dropped asl… Draped in soft luxurious gloom, Across my drowsy mind will creep The memory of another room, Where resinous knots in roofboards…
‘What’s in a glass of wine?’ There, set the glass where I can… Now listen to me, friend, while I… And tell you what I see– What I behold with my far-reachin…
With care, and skill, and cunning… She parried Time’s malicious dart… And kept the years at bay, Till passion entered in her heart And aged her in a day!
I know two women, and one is chast… And cold as the snows on a winters… Stainless ever I act and thought (As a man, born dumb, in speech er… But she has malice toward her kind…
He never made a fortune, or a nois… In the world where men are seeking… But he had a healthy brood of girl… Who loved the very ground on which… They thought him just little short…
Love breathed a secret to her list… And said “Be silent.” Though she… And dwelt as one within a world ap… Yet sun and star seemed by that se… And where she passed, each whisper…
The mighty forces of mysterious sp… Are one by one subdued by lordly m… The awful lightning that for eons… Their devastating and untrammelled… Now bear his messages from place t…
I have written this day down in my… As the sweetest day in the season; From all of the others I’ve set i… But I will not tell you the reaso… That is my secret—-I must not tel…
Who knows the way to wonderland? Oh, I know, Oh, I know! Trotty-te-trot on mama’s knee, Then over the billows of sleepy se… Down through the straits of by-lo,
But to every mind there openeth, A way, and way, and away, A high soul climbs the highway, And the low soul gropes the low, And in between on the misty flats,