Caricamento in corso...
Sleeping girl on a wooden bench, by Albert Anker

**Your Pace**

In trials and triumphs, let your pace be steady,
Unhurried by the clamor, unfazed by the heavy.
Through life’s labyrinthine paths, let your rhythm unfold,
Not swayed by the tempest’s roar, nor the siren’s hold.
When fortune’s gentle breeze fills your sail,
Embrace its grace, but let your pace not fail.
For in moments of plenty, the wise stay grounded,
Knowing that tides can turn, and fortunes can be confounded.
And when adversity’s waves crash upon your shore,
Let not your spirit crumble, nor your pace falter more.
For in the darkest night, stars may guide your way,
And resilience will light your path, come what may.
Some may rush ahead, driven by ambition’s fire,
While others linger, lost in doubt and desire.
But you, dear soul, choose your own steady pace,
One that honors both your heart and your embrace.
Let not the world’s demands dictate your stride,
Nor let others’ judgments your resolve deride.
For in the tapestry of time, your pace will weave,
A unique and meaningful pattern, only you can conceive.
Walk with purpose, yet with grace and ease,
Savoring each step, both summits and valleys.
For in the journey itself, lies the treasure untold,
And your pace, a symphony that your soul unfolds.
Altre opere di ElidethAbreu...
