A painter at work, by Paul Cézanne

One body One Soul


In this world, we are all divided,
By borders, beliefs, and skin,
But deep down, we are all connected,
By the same beating heart within.
In this world, we are all divided,
By borders, beliefs, and skin,
But deep down, we are all connected,
By the same beating heart within.
No matter the color or creed,
No matter where we may roam,
We are all part of one body,
Together, we make up one home.
For we are all just mere mortals,
Living on this earth as one,
And though we may seem different,
We are all under the same sun.
Our bodies may look different,
But inside, we are all the same,
With the same hopes and dreams,
And the same desire for love and fame.
We may speak different languages,
But our emotions are universal,
We all feel joy, love, and pain,
And we all long for something special.
So let us put aside our differences,
And embrace our shared humanity,
For in the end, we are all one body,
Living in this world in unity.
Let us celebrate our diversity,
And learn from each other’s ways,
For we all have something to offer,
In this body that we share for days.
En este mundo, todos estamos divididos,
Por fronteras, creencias y piel,
Pero en el fondo todos estamos conectados,
Por el mismo corazón que late en nuestro interior.
No importa el color o el credo,
No importa dónde podamos vagar,
Todos somos parte de un solo cuerpo,
Juntos formamos un solo hogar.
Porque todos somos simples mortales,
Viviendo en esta tierra como uno,
Y aunque parezcamos diferentes,
Estamos todos bajo el mismo sol.
o let us come together,
And break down these walls,
For we are all part of one body,
And together, we stand tall.
In this body of humanity,
We are all connected as one,
And with love and understanding,
We can overcome anything that’s done.
So let us remember, we are all united,
In this one body we call home,
And with this truth, we can create a world,
Where love and peace will forever roam.

Other works by ElidethAbreu...
