Scenic view of the Sognefjord, by Themistokles von Eckenbrecher

**Flight of Cranes**

Amidst the azure sky, with wings unfurled,
A flock of cranes ascends, their journey’s start.
Their ancient voices echo through the world,
A symphony of longing, reaching every heart.
With feathered bodies, stark against the blue,
They dance upon the updrafts, spiraling high.
A graceful spectacle, a sight to view,
Their harmony a chorus in the sky.
Their plumage glistens, radiant and bright,
Reflecting sunlight in a shimmering gleam.
They stretch their necks to meet the celestial light,
Their wings a canvas for a transient dream.
Their flight inspires, a testament to grace,
A reminder of our own boundless space.

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