
**Father’s Image**

Within us, Your image, a flame so bright,
Reflecting Your grace, dispelling the night.
Yet at times, I’ve faltered, forgetting its glow,
And cast a shadow on others, both high and low.
Forgive me, Father, for my prideful heart,
That saw not Your image in every part.
For in all creation, Your presence resides,
A tapestry of wonders, where love abides.
In every face, a glimmer of Your grace,
A spark of divinity, a sacred space.
May I behold it now, with eyes anew,
And cherish the image You’ve placed in me and you.
For we are brothers, sisters, all of one kind,
Bearing Your likeness, forever entwined.
May I live in harmony, with love and care,
Honoring the image You’ve planted there.
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