Flowers in a Wooden Vessel, by Jan Brueghel the Elder

Conjuro de Amor


Conjuro de Amor, spell for the heart
Whispers of magic, a mystical art
A chant of passion, a dance of desire
A potion of love, to set hearts on fire
Gather the herbs, and light the candles
The moon is full, the stars are ample
With every word, the spell is cast
A love so pure, it’s meant to last
Eyes closed, hands clasped tight
Visualize the one, who makes your heart ignite
Their name on your lips, their face in your mind
With this conjuro de amor, true love you’ll find
Let the incense burn, and the crystals shine
As the energy flows, and intertwines
With the universe, and all its power
This love will blossom, like a beautiful flower
From the depths of your soul, let the love flow
Let it radiate, let it glow
With each beat of your heart, let it grow
This conjuro de amor, will make it so
As the spell comes to an end, open your eyes
And see the magic, that has arisen inside
For love is a force, that cannot be denied
And with this conjuro de amor, it will never subside
So let this spell, be a reminder
That love is a gift, a precious treasure
And with the power of magic, it can be found
With the conjuro de amor, it will always be around.

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