#EnglishWriters #VictorianWriters
Once Mr Daddy Long-Legs, Dressed in brown and gray, Walked about upon the sands Upon a summer’s day; And there among the pebbles,
There was a Young Lady whose nose… Was so long that it reached to her… So she hired an Old Lady, Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose.
There was an Old Man, on whose no… Most birds of the air could repose… But they all flew away At the closing of day, Which relieved that Old Man and h…
There was an Old Man with a gong, Who bumped at it all day long; But they called out, 'O law! You’re a horrid old bore!' So they smashed that Old Man with…
center A was once an apple pie, Pidy Widy Tidy
There was an Old Man of the Dee, Who was sadly annoyed by a flea; When he said, ‘I will scratch it,… They gave him a hatchet, Which grieved that Old Man of the…
There was a Young Lady of Norway… Who casually sat on a doorway; When the door squeezed her flat, She exclaimed, ‘What of that?’ This courageous Young Lady of No…
On the top of the Crumpetty Tree The Quangle Wangle sat, But his face you could not see, On account of his Beaver Hat. For his Hat was a hundred and two…
There was an Old Man of the Isle… Whose face was pervaded with smile… He sung high dum diddle, And played on the fiddle, That amiable Man of the Isles.
There was a Young Lady of Troy, Whom several large flies did annoy… Some she killed with a thump, Some she drowned at the pump, And some she took with her to Tro…
The Nutcrackers sate by a plate o… The Sugar-tongs sate by a plate a… And the Nutcrackers said, 'Don’t… ‘Along the blue hills and green me… ’Must we drag on this stupid exist…
There was an old man who felt pert When he wore a pale rose-coloured… When they said ‘Is it pleasant?’ He cried 'Not at present— It’s a little to short—is my shirt…
There was an old man of Tobago, Who lived on rice, gruel and sago Till, much to his bliss, His physician said this - To a leg, sir, of mutton you may g…
Mrs Jaypher found a wafer Which she stuck upon a note; This she took and gave the cook. Then she went and bought a boat, Which she paddled down the stream,
There was a Young Lady of Wellin… Whose praise all the world was a-t… She played on a harp, And caught several carp, That accomplished Young Lady of…