Dear, when I did from you remove, I left my joy, but not my love: That never can depart. It neither higher can ascend, Nor lower bend ;
Now that the April of your youth… The garden of your face; Now that for you each knowing love… And all seek to your grace; Do nor repay affection with scorns…
I SING her worth and praises, I… Of whom a Poet cannot lie. The little World the Great shall… Sea, Earth, her Body ; Heaven, h… Her Hair, Sunbeams, whofe every p…
Breaking from under that thy cloud… Open and shine yet more, shine out… Thou glorious golden-beam-darting… Even till my wonder-stricken sense… Shoot out in light and shine those…
Madam, though I am one of those That every Spring use to compose, That is, add feet unto round Pros… Yet you further art disclose, And can, as every body knows,
Black beauty, which above that com… Whose Power can no colours here r… But those which darkness can again… Do’st still remain unvary’d to the… And like an object equal to the vi…
I SAY, ’tis hard to write Satire… Great’ned in his long course, and… Be now like to a Deluge, yet, as… ’Tis doubtful in his original. Th… We may thus much on either part pr…
If you do love as well as I, Then every minute from your heart A thought doth part: And wingèd with desire doth fly Till it hath met, in a straight li…
BLACK eyes if you seem dark, It is because your beams are deep, And with your soul united keep: Who could discern Enough into them, there might lear…
Deep sighs, records of my unpitied… Memorials of my true though hopele… Keep time with my sad thoughts, ti… My long despairs for vain and caus… Yet if such hap never to you befal…
Must he be ever dead? Cannot we a… Another life unto that Prince tha… Our souls laid up in him? Could n… Now when he left us, make that bod… After his death one Age? And keep…
TEARS, flow no more, or if you n… Fall yet more slow, Do not the world invade, From smaller springs than yours ri… And they again a Sea have made,
Here lies King James, who did so… Unto the World that blest and qui… Wherein his Subjects liv’d, he se… That peace which Christ did leave… As once that King and Shepherd of…
MUST I then see, alas! eternal n… Sitting upon those fairest eyes, And closing all those beams, which… So radiant and bright, That light and heat in them to us…
Regardful Pretence! whose fix’d M… Darts Admiration on the gazing Lo… That brings it not: State sits in… Divulging forth her Laws in the f… Of thy Commandements, which none…