Out in the woods with a dog an’ gu… Is my idea of a real day’s fun. ‘Tain’t the birds that I’m out to… That furnish me with the finest th… ‘Cause I never worry or fret a lo…
The easy roads are crowded And the level roads are jammed; The pleasant little rivers With the drifting folks are cramme… But off yonder where it’s rocky,
You may talk of stylish raiment, You may boast your broadcloth fine… And the price you gave in payment May be treble that of mine. But there’s one suit I’d not trad…
When Pa comes home, I’m at the do… An’ then he grabs me off the floor An’ throws me up an’ catches me When I come down, an’ then, says… ‘Well, how’d you get along to-day?
RECKON when our days are done And God takes up our record sheet… Our little failings He will view, And gaze at us with kindly smile, And maybe say: ‘I see that you
I sink my piers to the solid rock, And I send my steel to the sky, And I pile up the granite, block… Full twenty stories high; Nor wind nor weather shall wash aw…
What’s the matter with you– ain’t… Ain’t I been a pardner to you? Al… In gettin’ nice things for you? D… Say, stummick, what’s the matter,… Why, I loaded you with good thing…
CAESAR did a few things, Horace wrote in style, Good old Plato knew things Very much worth while. Famous Aristotle
My father knows the proper way The nation should be run; He tells us children every day Just what should now be done. He knows the way to fix the trusts…
Some struggle hard for worldly fam… Some toil to have an honored name, And some have great ambition. A few there are who strive that th… May save the heathen far away,
The patter of rain on the roof, The glint of the sun on the rose; Of life, these the warp and the wo… The weaving that everyone knows. Now grief with its consequent tear…
We have wandered afar in our hunti… We have scorned the soul’s duty to… We have lived for our laughter and… And paid little heed to the soul’s… But light were the burdens that fr…
The Summer girl In peek-a-boos And open hose And narrow shoes, Now trips along
I’d like to be the sort of friend… been to me; I’d like to be the help that you’v… glad to be; I’d like to mean as much to you ea…
Sunshine and shadow and laughter a… These are forever the paints of th… Splashed on the canvas of life day… We are the artists, the colors are… We are the painters, the pigments…