Edgar Albert Guest

July the Fourth

As when a little babe is born the parents cannot guess
The story of the future years, their grief or happiness,
So came America to earth, the child of higher things,
A nation that should light the way for all men’s visionings;
A land with but a dream to serve, such was our country then,
A prophet to prepare the way of liberty of men!
Great was the courage of the past; the tyrant’s power was strong,
Few spoke the praise of Freedom then, few sang her battle song
Until the bell of liberty rang out upon the morn
And told the world in Freedom’s name a nation had been born.
A nation that should lead the way to glorious years to be
Should pledge its soul to sacrifice to set all people free.
This is the heritage we hold who celebrate today;
We are the children of the men who dared to lead the way;
We are the sons of men who taught by fine examples true
The glory they would have us keep, the deeds they’d have us do.
They did not serve in selfishness, nor teach us money love,
They placed a nation in our charge with Freedom’s flag above.
I wonder do their spirits know the glory of today?
And can they see our banner fly three thousand miles away?
And do they know in Freedom’s name on foreign soil our sons,
Seeking no conquest for themselves, have braved the tyrant’s guns?
Oh God, fling back heaven’s curtains now! Let our forefathers see
That what was but a dream to them at last has come to’ be.
Autres oeuvres par Edgar Albert Guest...
