#English #XXCentury
FAME is a fickle jade at best, And he who seeks to win her smile Must trudge, disdaining play or re… O’er many a long and weary mile. Nor must he work alone for her,
Isn’t it fine when the day is done… And the petty battles are lost or… When the gold is made and the ink… To quit the struggle and turn asid… To spend an hour with your boy in…
Heard of Contradictin’ Joe? Most contrary man I know. Always sayin’, 'That’s not so.’ Nothing’s ever said, but he Steps right up to disagree–
WHEN the dressmaker comes I am t… For they don’t want me anywhere ha… At seven in the morning they send… With:' Don’t you come back till t… She’ll be here for a week, and we’…
God grant my children may Not think in terms of gold When I have passed away And my poor form is cold. When I no more shall be,
AGE is calling to me, with his fi… It is urging me to wander down the… It has lined my cheeks with furrow… And is ever whispering to me that… But the heart of me keeps saying,…
Old Mister Laughter Comes a-grinnin’ down the way, Singin’: 'Never mind your trouble… For they’ll surely pass away.’ Singin’: 'Now the sun is shinin’
There’s a little chap at our house… Keeps the front lawn looking tidy… Doesn’t leave his little wagon, wh… On the sidewalk as he used to; now… When we call him in to supper, we…
Something to talk about, something… Something to laugh at the whole da… Something to look at with pride an… Something for friends to come in j… Something you can’t sum up all the…
THEY tell me that I 'm spoiling… I The neighbors say that you shou… For all the awful things you do, Laid face down over daddy’s knee And spanked and put to bed. That…
How much grit do you think you’ve… Can you quit a thing that you like… You may talk of pluck; it’s an eas… And where’er you go it is often he… But can you tell to a jot or guess
I can’t help thinkin’ o’ the lad! Here’s summer bringin’ trees to fr… An’ every bush with roses clad, An’ nature in her finest suit, An’ all things as they used to be
Get to understand the lad– He’s not eager to be bad; If the right he always knew, He would be as old as you. Were he now exceeding wise,
Always whenever I want to play I’ve got to practice an hour a day… Get through breakfast an’ make my… And Mother says: 'Marjorie, run a… There’s a time for work and a time…
There’s nothing cheers a fellow up… A handclasp and an honest smile th… And when at friendly doors you rin… From all life’s doubts to hear the… see you!’