#English #XXCentury
Ain’t no use as I can see In sittin’ underneath a tree An’ growlin’ that your luck is bad… An’ that your life is extry sad; Your life ain’t sadder than your n…
The miser thinks he’s living when… The soldier calls it living when h… The sailor thinks it living to be… And upon this very subject no two… But I hold to the opinion, as I w…
OUR children are our monuments, The little ones we leave behind, If they are good and brave and kin… And labor here with true intents, Our lives and work perpetuate
God bless you all this Christmas… And drive the cares and griefs awa… Oh, may the shining Bethlehem sta… Which led the wise men from afar Upon your heads, good sirs, still…
How’s the little chap to know Just the proper roads to go If you never travel with him While he’s little, hand in hand? How’s he ever going to learn
Life is a gift to be used every da… Not to be smothered and hidden awa… It isn’t a thing to be stored in t… Where you gather your keepsakes an… It isn’t a joy to be sipped now an…
Comes in flying from the street; 'Where’s Mamma?’ Friend or stranger thus he’ll gree… 'Where’s Mamma?’ Doesn’t want to say hello,
When the burden grows heavy, and r… When you falter and slip, and it i… And your best doesn’t measure to w… When you know in your heart that y… With the odds all against you, the…
The mother on the sidewalk as the… Is the mother of Old Glory that i… Men have fought to keep it splendi… But that flag was born of woman an… ’Tis her sacrifice has made it, an…
They have said you needn’t go to t… They have left you with your women… They have spared you from the cras… And the horrors and the madness an… But it’s your fight, just the same…
I’d like to leave but daffodills to mark my little way, To leave but tulips red and white behind me as I stray; I’d like to pass away from earth
Here’s to you, little mother, With your boy so far away; May the joy of service smother All your grief this Christmas day… May the magic of his splendor
DOWN the lanes of August’and t… All the world’s in color now, and… Never reds will redder be, more go… Down the lanes of August, and the… Mother Nature’s brushes now with…
‘Some day,’ says Ma, 'I’m goin’ t… A party dress all trimmed with jet… An’ hire a seamstress in, an’ she Is goin’ to fit it right on me; An’ then, when I’m invited out
Better than land or gold or trade Are a high ideal and a purpose tru… Better than all of the wealth we’v… Is the work for others that now we… For Rome grew rich and she turned…