Dora Sigerson

Cecilia’€™s Way

Lighted by the lady moon,
Breezes blow and aspens quiver,
By the stream’s enchanted tune
Singing to the distant river,
Walks Cecilia.
Such an hour for love and song,
Lover’s kiss and maiden’s laughter.
Who would wish the night less long
Or fail to weep it back hereafter?
Sighs Cecilia.
Neath the aspen moves a shade,'€”
Shadow dark! The saints defend her!
Any lass would fly afraid
On the wings that fear would lend her!
Smiles Cecilia.
Who would brave the shaping gloom,
Hiding form and hidden face,
Phantom arms that would entomb,
Who dares go to that embrace?'€”
Why, Cecilia.
Autres oeuvres par Dora Sigerson...
