Christmas lights ring the house and carols play. Todd decorates his grand Victorian
This is Granny in the Ozarks call… Please come down before spring goes away for summer. The geese are coming through and landing on the pond
Ducktail haircut back in the Fifties made you a rebel without a cause with all your friends.
An odd bobcat my father was looked more like a Siamese asleep in his recliner
They’re widows, old and gray, bent over a quilting frame, sewing to meet a deadline for the next raffle
Odd fellow who does odd jobs in the neighborhood four seasons of the year has disappeared in high summer and his customers are nervous.
After all these years my wife at the ironing board, perfect in panties. Donal Mahoney
Tonight I can’t sleep so I ponder the universe and all the planets around me swirling in syncopation with me on one of them
More than 30 years ago the Supreme Court in the United States ruled that if individuals are mentally ill but not criminally insane they cannot be confined to asylums. They must be allow...
A student asks the old poet why he has spent so many years writing. The old poet says no one’s asked him that before. He needs a minute to answer.
The other day I was talking to a neighbor who said he has found a way to help the poor and improve our environment simultaneously. It’s no secret, he said, that we have a dire food shor...
I was warm and toasty, curled up, napping in amniotic fluid, without a worry when suddenly
In a life with many valleys and a few mountaintops Alvin has met many people he thought were normal and others he thought not.
It’s a matter of beans, says Rosie, 79, legally blind, her fingers dancing across a Bible in braille, when a reporter asks her about
Deep in the city where the poor wait for the Second Coming suicide is uncommon. No one leaps off skyscrapers