Every day comes praise for Him everywhere in nature a cricket chirps a wren sings
I was very small the day they bombed Pearl Harbor but I remember my mother dashing around the kitchen saying nothing to me
It’s never what she says always how she says it and how she stands when she says it and what she says
Linda’s an animal person who puts her money where her mouth is, owns a ranch outside the city and takes in kittens, puppies, birds that
Alvin didn’t want to be anybody else. He didn’t want to be himself either. Money wasn’t a problem.
After Saturday tennis I came home took a nap and woke up dizzy had trouble walking. My balance was off so I went to bed and slept 20 hours
Decades ago a small college out in the boondocks put Ambrose, a freshman, on a Greyhound Bus to attend a student convention in New York.
Every time something breaks like the pipe in the wall we heard gushing this morning my wife wants to call
When you were a boy in 1948 living on a block of bungalows in Chicago right after WWII you had a red wagon you pulled behind your mother
Three are known by name, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, but there are a zillion angels, pure spirits who have no wings like those we draw on Cherubim,
My wife’s upset because I won’t answer the phone in the middle of the night even though the phone’s on my side of the bed.
Old Tim writes poetry now in his heaven of retirement. He’s had nice jobs over the years but swears retirement is better.
This senior citizen whose face is Rushmore still squats with pigeons on the steps of the Rogers Park Masonic Templ… She wears a shawl this snowy day
It’s not de rigueur to believe he’s there behind the sun, the stars, the moon watching us
After the TV mavens had their say the gnomes crept out of their cave… spoke and returned to their caves. Thunder struck, hell broke loose and the mavens came back on TV