Handsome is as handsome does, Jeanie always said, when Donald was away on business.
He’s not among the quick and not among the dead. He’s somewhere in between he tells anyone who stops his wheelchair in the halls
When bread is this good a morsel will suffice and when wine
Christmas is now the Holidays. But Hanukkah is still Hanukkah and Ramadan is still Ramadan. Easter still has its name. The media needs more time
In our tent we hear whippoorwills happy to see dawn dismiss the night Donal Mahoney
Fancy spam emails I don’t mind nor the ones cobbled in broken English from someone who says he’s with a bank overseas
I’ll have to ask some preacher what if he comes when it’s inconvenient when I’m bowling or lifting a stein of lager
An hour a day, sometimes more, I chipped away with mallet and chisel on a block of marble
Inferno of a summer day Mother’s dozing Tommy, tiny, three, paring knife in hand tiptoes out, flops
This morning I woke up early feelin’ good, feelin’ the way I felt 50 years ago, no aches, no pains, can’t wait to shower, hop on the El, go back to work,
You have to have regulations in any industry, the hog farmer told the slaughter house CEO visiting his farm that day. Otherwise raising hogs
I will no longer feed the birds on the front porch as I do daily autumn through winter when I go out at dawn to get the paper on the lawn and spread seed on
Herb’s a middle-age son with a big family and lots of pressure. Too busy to care for Mom and Pop so he drives to Shady Lane to see if he thinks they might like the p…
Forty years Leroy was a doorman at a nice hotel in a big city. He was a country boy the day he got the job because he was tall and the uniform fit, the manager s…
You start by throwing things out packing things that will fit in a smaller place, selling stuff that won’t, ignoring the birds because the seed’s run out