After 50 years Wilma at her class reunion thinks Waldo’s changed with age that he’s nice now, not the snake she wed
The amount in every paycheck has a period in it. Those who get a paycheck every week dream about seeing a comma three spaces in front of the perio…
Eight blondes with brown eyes nod at working men nearby. Sunflowers rule the sky. Donal Mahoney
It will be a while before Fred’s hometown has its annual food drive, he told me. That’s an important event because it helps stock the pantry at the small charity where he volunteers. Ri...
Oliver Jones, now gray and grizzl… cut the Miller’s lawn for years.… a victim of Agent Orange, Oliver’… almost as old as the Millers, his… Recently he’s left ridges and tuft…
Jesus, can we talk? Some folks say you’re coming back any day now but many of them have been saying that for years. They say it could happen tomorrow, or maybe next week, and they’ve al...
Even as a child Charles couldn’t forgive other chi… not for something they had done but rather for who they were. They were inferior and couldn’t he…
Black lives matter in different ways to different people in the American rainbow especially bus companies
This black moth flew in the front door of the living room the other night and has been up
They are a certain way certain ladies are today no matter where they are summer, fall winter, spring even
Bella takes two big pills every morning followed by one each of another three.
Many decades ago when I was a kid we always expected rain at 3 p.m. on Good Friday said to be the hour
Alive just one week, the Luna moth plastered to my screen door under porch light is pale green and beautiful.
A little boy from the city down on the farm for a day wanders away to look at the sheep and finds a bull
Every time something breaks like the pipe in the wall we heard gushing this morning my wife wants to call