River rafting in Montana is a fine way to spend your vacation but it’s not the same as river rafting in Zimbabwe.
Jane told Tarzan toodle-oo and moved away to Arizona because although it’s hot out ther… it’s a dry heat and not the swamp of heat she found herself panting
Herb remembers when he was young he’d go to the doctor and complain about aches and pains and sniffles… Now he’s up in years and still goes to the doctor but never
Liberal or conservative the questionnaire asks about migrants. Fred’s in the middle. Asked about The Wall
I no longer put things back where they belong. I can’t remember where they came from never mind where
When Fred was a boy, he heard his… talk about Grandpa going to town d… to sell the bounty of his harvest. On his farm he had eggs, butter an… vegetables and meat. He’d buy suga…
I have a friend, old and retired, who keeps busy helping the poor. Let’s call him Ted because he wants to remain anonymous. Some of his ideas, he says, wouldn’t make many of his neighbo...
A doctor by day Ralph spends his nights ordering tulip bulbs from Holland beautiful and rare
I know this story to be true because I know Ruben and he wouldn’t lie even though Ruben and I have never met. He lives in Alabama in a hollow and I live in St. Louis. But that makes no ...
Fred brought his old comic books and some hard candy to a food pant… and didn’t think much about it. Just a different kind of donation. Maybe somebody would want them.
Can you hear me in the bunker, Le… Sorry to hear ISIS has you in a… But I’m delighted to know you’re… camouflaged in your bunker with an… Now you’re telling me ISIS is th…
The media is brimming with reports about the legacy of Barack Obama. He’s accomplished so much it’s tough for experts to name his signature achievement.
Let’s stop the crying, Millie. It’s true our friends are dying. They’re old like you and me. Why not celebrate instead that 80 years ago you and I
Tonight I can’t sleep so I ponder the universe and all the planets around me swirling in syncopation with me on one of them
Annie has a nice washing machine n… but she remembers the one her mother had with the wringer, the old-fashioned kind. Her mother took in washing and whe…