These are old people retired and driving slowly from small apartments in economy cars getting out on canes
They moved in on Sunday, a bright and sunny day, the first black family on the bloc… They drove up in two U-Hauls and slowly carried furniture
My wife likes to garden. She’s crazy about roses, lilies and daisies. She says I should get out in the garden and weed.
She’s at a flower show miles away arranging roses in a vase very carefully.
He wants to be fair to both sides because there’s an election coming soon so he tells his side every day
Because he works in an office and… and because she who tans anyway ha… returned from a week at the Beach, the commuters are certain she’s no… yet they rustle in their seats.
She’s been making quilts for half a century and he’s been making poems that long as well and every now and then he brings a chocolate shake to her place
He remembers loving her lost in an orchard peaches, pears, apricots falling on his head every day
Millie calls the hotel at midnight to tell Willie he didn’t do anythi… It’s the way he didn’t do anything… that’s the problem because a man d… send a girl yellow roses on Valent…
A bright winter day and not a leaf left on this skeleton tree teeming with sparrows
Annie has a nice washing machine n… but she remembers the one her mother had with the wringer, the old-fashioned kind. Her mother took in washing and whe…
The kitchens of Auschwitz are belching again. Ancient chefs, puffed hats askew, storm once more
You can learn a lot, both true and false, in a dingy all-night diner where old men gather at a table in back
Bill’s a conservative upset that Meals on Wheels and Medicaid face possible cuts in America’s budget. He yells to colleagues
From my stool in the diner I watc… the old woman with elm tree arms command the big booth in back and roar for a menu, take a half hour to read it