A refugee from another country tel… people thrive on proving their bel… more than understanding one anothe… They will let a stereotype fall on… like a cheap dress as long as it f…
In 1958 Elmer’s was the only high school in his county that had been integrated. Basketball was the big sport. People in the little town filled the gym every Tuesday and Friday. They ro...
Because he works in an office and… and because she who tans anyway ha… returned from a week at the Beach, the commuters are certain she’s no… yet they rustle in their seats.
The average man looks at himself in the mirror 23 times a day, the average woman 16 times a British survey reports. Men look to “admire” themselves,
Old Tim drove 600 miles back home to his shed in the woods a month after burying his wife up north in the city where they me… more than 60 years ago.
An imam should say eternity lasts too long to sit by the fire Donal Mahoney
Virgil comes to group therapy every week in his pick-up truck with his dog, Buster, standing in the bed of the truck. The sessions are held for veterans of Korea and Vietnam. Quite a fe...
It’s time to leave the man alone. He’s getting old, his wife says. He’s really slowing down. He’s always been a man occupied with one thing
Melanie cried for hours the day a drunk driver ran over her dog a week after she had an abortion. She loved that dog so much she told her mother she knew
Sixty years ago, the two of us rode tricycles up a little hill behind our school. Nothing stopped us till
There are pockets of them everywhere, quiet and discreet. Usually they meet once a week
Cold Coffee they call him and only a few people know his real name, this odd fellow who raises pigs off the coast of Ireland and comes to town
They buried Colleen Garrity today a woman 95 few people thought would ever die and what a lovely eulogy her cousin Paddy gave. Paddy must be 80 if a day yet he
The scruffy old man and his white poodle on a long red leash were neighborhood icons years ago down at the corner
Beautiful fall day in a potter’s field outside a small town. A funeral is underway but that doesn’t stop