It’s one thing to work in an office because your skills say you must. It’s another to want to hang out with
It’s midnight and I’m too tired to stroll in my Wall Street garden to check on the nightlife among the flowers
I lived in the attic back then, and late those evenings I had to s… and couldn’t afford to go drinking I’d run down to the deli and buy bagels and smoked lox.
It tears the stomach out of Roy to see old folks shopping at an all-night grocery store ancient couples, on canes and walkers
Herb’s a middle-age son with a big family and lots of pressure. Too busy to care for Mom and Pop so he drives to Shady Lane to see if he thinks they might like the p…
It was her birthday. She was only five the dawn we went out to look at roses in Grandma’s garden
When Bill was a lad his parents preached that Scripture was the truth. Decades later now Bill still believes that.
He’s Brad and he’s captain of the football team. He’s been chosen prom king and has a scholarship to college. Everything’s going well for him
Someone broke in the house the weekend the elderly couple was out of town, a family thing. The TV, the couch and computer were gone.
In 1920 he came on a boat from Ireland and found his way through Ellis Island. He found a room in a boarding house
Black flag on the lawn falls in pieces from the sky. Starlings in command. Donal Mahoney
Fred and Martha have always voted the same way since their marriage long ago but not this time and Fred wondered why Martha was voting the other way
Homer’s a chair arranger who works in meeting rooms on 30 floors in a building tall as Trump Tower. At least it looks that tall to him
A clerk in a health food store became upset when I said I didn’t see anything I wanted since I wasn’t a vegan or vegetarian and liked my
I get an email every day from a man I don’t know and doesn’t know me. Many people receive blind copies of his emails.