Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow in February and says six more weeks of winter. That same day the first moth of spring lands on my storm door
If you’re a reprobate in recovery you have to be careful what you do… You’re no different than an alcoho… always in danger of falling again. At least an alcoholic has a diseas…
Granny watches nature in the city from her window after the nurse takes her tray away. She likes to watch the bird feeder grandson Ahmad hung for cardinals,
You think you got problems? You probably do but would you trade with Phillip, a Vietnam vet who still thinks Agent Orange lurks in
I have to hope America can trust and welcome them especially parents hiding children
Tim’s mother told him that in 1926 she was a teen in Ireland who hid on a ship sailing to America. She had no papers when she ran awa… from her parents’ thatched-roof hu…
I found an old friend in a cardboard box in the basement where I left him forty years ago.
Many years later when I meet her… on my way out of the Russian Tea… I notice how beautiful she is dini… a man more attentive than I was ba… But I see chaos dancing in her ey…
The old poet has agreed to read his poems in Hanley Hall if a student will push his wheelchair on stage. Agreed. And students must agree not to ask
A doctor by day Ralph spends his nights ordering tulip bulbs from Holland beautiful and rare
The last visitor before I sleep is always the old priest puffing up the stairs to my door, a wine cask under each arm, a loaf of pumpernickel in his teet…
We do our best to avoid the Zika Virus. We smack mosquitoes and avoid tanned folks just back from two weeks in the tropics.
A long time ago you bothered him somehow. Since then he has bothered you back. You don’t know how or
You drive down the same country road every day at dawn and see through plumes of dust
No red kettles and bells this December outside the stores at the mall in our suburbs this year. They irritate shoppers,