Something’s still bright when a widow dies and her son flies in gives her body to science has the movers
Dubville used to be a quiet town, not that much was going on. The young would move to the city after high school… The elderly would stay because
An hour before dawn the paper is out on the lawn white in the moonlight a trumpet dozing after a long night in a jazz bar
Every time the phone rings Bill’s afraid the caller might say another childhood classmate has di… This will hit him hard because Bill knows he’s moseying along
Used to be she’d tell him what to get at the grocery store and he always brought it back. Now she makes a list.
When the dogwoods bloom pink and white blossoms create canopies of joy. Donal Mahoney
Forget the fall equinox. Fall arrives when all the moths that dance on summer nights around the porch light disappear when the first cold dawn appears.
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
Freddie and Fern were an old couple, a very old couple if truth be told, but on the matter of age, the truth seldom surfaced. Their kids were grown and gone and had families of their ow...
Like that broad in an apricot bra hanging over the sill of her tenement window, the sun is over me now, its nectar laughing and falling.
I have a new email address. Old one may work for awhile but like life, it can stop at any time… One problem so far. This new address sends emails
Back in 1957 kissing Carol Ann behind the barn in the middle of a windswept field
It’s a 50th anniversary dinner for Bernie and Blanche at the Elk… After dessert Blanche grabs the m… and primes the crowd by announcing… “Fifty year’s we’ve been married
After the TV mavens had their say the gnomes crept out of their cave… spoke and returned to their caves. Thunder struck, hell broke loose and the mavens came back on TV
They’re widows, old and gray, bent over a quilting frame, sewing to meet a deadline for the next raffle