After 50 years Wilma at her class reunion thinks Waldo’s changed with age that he’s nice now, not the snake she wed
Technology is wonderful, especially in medicine, Elmo told Opal, the day their son Brett called to tell them the good news. The doctor had told Brett and Debbie their first child would ...
Pistols in holsters very early this morning. She’s wearing a bra Donal Mahoney
This brilliant winter morning find… waves of snow on every lawn and red graffiti dripping from the walls of Temple Mizpah
Her corded belt python tight around a tiny waist makes her blooms bigger brighter as they unfold
Martin, a very senior citizen, wants to get a bucket and knife and go hunt up some greens in a field in Alabama. But in spite of his yearnings for a big bowl of greens, he knows his wif...
The older I get the more I realiz… the importance of getting things d… before your mother announces anoth… assignment to roust me from my ham… As you know I’ve never been much
Virgil comes to group therapy every week in his pick-up truck with his dog, Buster, standing in the bed of the truck. The sessions are held for veterans of Korea and Vietnam. Quite a fe...
I don’t see her often since she died but when I do it’s eerie over there at dawn or dusk.
Am I right or am I right, one neighbor asked the other as they walked the few blocks to vote in different primaries. Some people make a good
He should have married someone, James tells himself at 80 coughing in bed with the flu. He remembers very well that Miranda was a nice girl.
There are poems everywhere but you have to find them, a teacher told my class long ago. I was a kid sitting at a desk, cowlicks sprouting from my scalp,
A gray summer day the sun is on vacation sunflowers hang their heads Donal Mahoney
One has to be careful campaigning door-to-door. One doesn’t know who’s behind any door. Could be someone
When will you understand it’s all about me. The world we live in whirls around my axis. Once you understand