In the woods soft snow falls on the first day of spring. Two daffodils laugh. Donal Mahoney
After the Spring rain a dove on a Dogwood branch preens like a starlet
You can learn a lot, both true and false, in a dingy all-night diner where old men gather at a table in back
For years Rocky’s Diner had always done a great business for breakfast and lunch but his dinner business had fallen off recently as folks moved to the suburbs, got married, died or simp...
The Nazis call her Hilda, this ancient woman who makes a simple living in a bathroom in Berlin giving high colonics
On Saturday mornings several bowed citizens gather on the sidewalk outside the clinic to read the Bible and pray.
I was just a boy but I remember Hitler at the start and how too few understood his plan to
This senior citizen whose face is Rushmore still squats with pigeons on the steps of the Rogers Park Masonic Templ… She wears a shawl this snowy day
On holidays I hear from Paul, who’s 80 if a day, who may have won his war on poverty without help from his friends. He won’t accept a cent.
One, a nun, has her transfer in her hand. She’s silently praying. Another, a hooker, has her income in her purse.
It’s Monday not Sunday and the frail lady in black is the only person in the pews. She walked in with
Only the blind man with his leader dog and tapping cane stops when the homeless man standing near the curb
Two men running for office disagree about everything but have one thing in common. They won’t release their tax returns.
Before dawn Bill stoops under crimson leaves of the low-hanging Japanese Maple
Millicent was the daughter who danced ballet and sang until she met Butchie on a rainy day. He was in coveralls and cowboy hat and fixed