An incident in youth never meant to happen recorded on a pad to be read another time
Leaves on a Japanese Maple dance auburn in the wind remind me of that mother crossing Michigan Avenue before the light changes
In a long marriage couples communicate in so many ways, often in silence. In recent years I rise very early and now leave post-it notes
I don’t know why my wife and I are up at four in the morning sitting in recliners drinking coff… staring at half-hour commercials claiming to cure everything
It took awhile to find Osama. It will take awhile to find the Briton with his knife in the desert of Iraq. They may bring him back
You had to have a Schwinn to lead this pack of boys riding bikes full speed baking under the Chicago sun laughing after senior year
When a man’s young, this work is hard but it pays well and he can feed the wife and kids.
Melanie is from a small town and finds a job in a big city and meets Bill, the man she wants… marry so she calls Alice, her sist… older and married, for advice.
We’re twins. We’ve been together from the start. You’re the doctor. You know that.
I’m on my way to Larry’s Place, a food pantry in the city. I park a block away because parking in front of Larry’s isn’t wise even if one drives
A minister’s son married a deacon’s daughter after a long courtship. It was difficult at times doing everything right
In our tent we hear whippoorwills happy to see dawn dismiss the night Donal Mahoney
The cur dog tethered to a stake across the road runs back and forth barking all day
Cold Coffee they call him and only a few people know his real name, this odd fellow who raises pigs off the coast of Ireland and comes to town
A spelunker he was from adolescence on. An outdoorsman with the best equipment exploring caves