Pastor Homer is a jealous man and Opal gives him fits through 40 years of marriage dancing, laughing kissing other men
We see stories on the internet that are simply fake news, many of them malicious as well. It’s hard to tell the difference but a single sentence found
It’s never what she says always how she says it and how she stands when she says it and what she says
A lovely neighborhood this Sunday afternoon is rocked again by random gunshots. The shots make Bertha wonder, as she sips tea in her old rocker,
It was stupid of Walt not to show it to Joan before they got married but he was too shy. He had no idea
Two new crutches and two double shots of Bushmills Irish Whiskey enabled Joe Faherty to move from the back seat of Moira Murphy’s 1976 Buick into Eagan’s Funeral Home for Tim McGillicud...
Made in America means different things to different people. In 1998 they made our old Camry in Japan.
Seeing is believing smart people often tell me but no one ever told me believing is seeing
Ducktail haircut back in the Fifties made you a rebel without a cause with all your friends.
Easter Brunch is a big deal in the metropolis where Fred lives… Restaurants run their ads Ash Wednesday through Good Frida… Years ago brunch began at 11
Fred’s not a hunter but Animus is a beast he’d hunt down and kill and mount on his wall if he had a clear shot
Your life as explained in your letter recently received is very difficult to read. It’s been 40 years since we last saw each other or talked. Most of your problems I knew nothing about....
No, Freddie can’t say he mourned when his father died and his father’s third wife found Freddie’s number and gave him a call to give him the news. His father had been responsible, worke...
Old Tim writes poetry now in his heaven of retirement. He’s had nice jobs over the years but swears retirement is better.
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