The Sixties almost killed Will, a wasted man who sobered up long enough to vote for JFK. And he’d have voted for RFK if he hadn’t been killed as well.
Old barber shop in a neighborhood never posh now poor. A single chair with an ancient barber
He tries again to situate his gros… nose beneath his spectacles. He twists the silver toothpick in… and hunches now a little more towa… saying “Listen, dear, I’ve said a…
In 1958 Elmer’s was the only high school in his county that had been integrated. Basketball was the big sport. People in the little town filled the gym every Tuesday and Friday. They ro...
After the Spring rain a dove on a Dogwood branch preens like a starlet
I know this story to be true because I know Ruben and he wouldn’t lie even though Ruben and I have never met. He lives in Alabama in a hollow and I live in St. Louis. But that makes no ...
Am I right or am I right, one neighbor asked the other as they walked the few blocks to vote in different primaries. Some people make a good
I don’t know if I’ll vote for president this year, something I’ve always done since 1960 when I turned old
Dylann Roof defended himself in the sentencing phase of his tri… after he was convicted of killing nine people during a Bible study, the nine people who welcomed him
Black lives matter in different ways to different people in the American rainbow especially bus companies
Reunions can happen and leave you speechless. I’m standing at a bank of elevators in a hospital going to visit my wife
Smitty isn’t Schulte. He doesn’t drive a Cadillac and doesn’t hit his wife often any more. Schulte, on the other hand,
It was an ancient city. All the young people left as soon as they could but the old remained in their mortgaged huts
In 1962, I was a caseworker, not a social worker, in the Cabrini-Green Housing Project in Chicago. In that era, the difference between a caseworker and a social worker was simple. A soc...
Drive around almost any city and you will find the homeless napping on a bench. Folks who drive to church on Sund… often view the homeless as litter