Easter Brunch is a big deal in the metropolis where Fred lives… Restaurants run their ads Ash Wednesday through Good Frida… Years ago brunch began at 11
Some choose not to have children others maybe one or two three seems to be the max now it’s not like when Paul was young and a family might have had six or…
Jim Daley and Joe McCarthy had something in common. They died at 80 going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Walt O’Brien, their protege, found this out when he called the home...
I have to hope America can trust and welcome them especially parents hiding children
Standing in line behind a father and his little boy waiting to reach the register
No youngster himself, Fred often… “There are always preludes to hell… For Fred one of those preludes is… the things in life Fred can’t fix.… Another prelude is paying the trad…
His wife takes him to dinner as she always does on his birthday wearing bright red lipstick, a color she detests but he likes.
Aaron loves the show on television about antiques. Tonight they have a Grecian vase worth close to a million dollars. Aaron has stuff in the basement
Summer evenings after the news at 6 p.m. the Widow Murphy comes out of her tiny bungalow and sits on her front porch swing
The ancient man with raspberry hives on his cheeks since childhood will live alone
Planned Parenthood surgeons deplored the murder of Cecil the Lion. They wonder how a
First leaves of autumn. Slow parachutes this morning almost at the curb. Donal Mahoney
Simply because anchors have little to say means they’ll keep saying it till others believe. This is America.
Yes, fifty years ago today it happened. Quite a story. He was your favorite uncle and he liked you a lot too. You were all torn up.
After services on Sunday the old Marlboro man puts his Bible under his arm and talks to his pastor through a hole in his neck.