Strong man Samson told Delilah seven locks of hair were the secret of his strength
Yes, fifty years ago today it happened. Quite a story. He was your favorite uncle and he liked you a lot too. You were all torn up.
Harvey has a special room in the basement that’s always lock… He keeps a safe there, some antiqu… and family memorabilia he fears midnight thieves might steal.
Adolph’s been here since the Fort… So have Benito and Tojo. As soon as they arrived we gave each of them a huge furnace. They shovel coal all day and all n…
How are things, Adolph? This is Brian, from NBC. Thanks for the interview. It will air in September if the network brings me back.
When a writer lacks verbs and nouns he’s the victim of writer’s block. His mind may house
Does he remember? Jenny, how could he forget? Thirty years ago you roared into his office and raged about your cousin’s
When the president speaks from the podium and mentions the 20 children shot to death at Sandy Hook by a lunatic with a rifle,
I turn the porch light on at 4 a.m… to see if a miracle’s occurred and the paper’s landed somewhere in the snow blanketing our lawn. Instead I see a clump on the mat
When we were kids growing up in the city we had prairies and a little hill and we’d put Stevie
We have something in common, a fellow I talk to now and then. We’re about the same age and perhaps the only ones in the diner who think our past lives are interesting. So when the two o...
You’re standing on a window ledge on the 50th floor of your building… It’s Valentine’s Day in Manhatta… clouds cruising, sun everywhere, a nice breeze tossing your hair,
A rainy Sunday and Pastor Smith is in his pulpit bellowing to the congregation, “I hope you understand
I should have said yes, meet you anywhere you want for lunch, even that greasy spoon with the lousy chili and corn dogs… Every five years or so we meet
Let’s stop the crying, Millie. It’s true our friends are dying. They’re old like you and me. Why not celebrate instead that 80 years ago you and I