Deep into a warm winter the Japanese red maple keeps her crown of brilliant leaves as if to prove to the evergreens especially that big blue spruce
Two doves on a telephone wire wait tor the blue jays to finish e… bread put out for the birds. When the jays arrived, sparrows fled into the trees
We’re all salmon swimming upstream until the job’s done. Some of us know it and some of us don’t.
In America we say we get the government we deserve. That’s been true for the past eight years.
Phone rings. Wilbur answers it. “This is Grace. Is Thelma there?… “No,” says Wilbur. “She’s out won… “You mean wandering about?” ‘No, she used to wander about. No…
After two thousand years we still have folks who blame the Jews for killing Christ even though Pilate the Gentile could have
Fred has been working with an agency called Hunters for the Hungry for five years. During that time, his food bank has received thousands of pounds of venison to feed the poor. This yea...
When Bill goes home to the church of his youth he finds things are different. They don’t sing “Amazing Grace” the way they did when he was
I turn the porch light on at 4 a.m… to see if a miracle’s occurred and the paper’s landed somewhere in the snow blanketing our lawn. Instead I see a clump on the mat
What if after Browne has gone one of us discovers who Browne was… leads the rally to his room before the maid has time to broom the web… retrieve from underneath the bed
First time seeing this doctor, a specialist. Took a month to get an appointment. The waiting room’s packed. I grab the last seat
Let’s not worry about it, Dearie, life gets better, life gets worse. We’re no different than the seasons of the year except we’re luckier than most having
There’s a glorious sound system no… in the restored train depot where… from all over the nation once took… train to Camp Breckinridge before taking a plane to Korea.
In my all-boys school sixty years ago there were two boys who were different. All four years they walked to classes together, books
He looks for you until you find him while you wonder if he’s there Donal Mahoney