Herb’s a middle-age son with a big family and lots of pressure. Too busy to care for Mom and Pop so he drives to Shady Lane to see if he thinks they might like the p…
After he died on a tree, he rose and told the twelve before he ascended he would return some day. The twelve told others and they
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
That my parents were Irish immigrants is probably the most significant factor in my writing life. The English expelled my father from Ireland around 1920 at age 18 or so for running gun...
Even as a child Charles couldn’t forgive other chi… not for something they had done but rather for who they were. They were inferior and couldn’t he…
He should have married someone, James tells himself at 80 coughing in bed with the flu. He remembers very well that Miranda was a nice girl.
Monsanto still has problems after the carnage caused by Agent Orange. People continue to decay. Monsanto’s Roundup
The question isn’t why your little world is suddenly going to hell. The question is what can you do about
I take my wife to dinner at a fancy place for us to talk about money because stocks have a virus and we should move
They got along fine lying down but sitting up or standing, well that was quite another thing. Talking made things worse. Lying down they found
Cookies for George, 40 years back from Viet Nam, are the only payment the man will accept to mow your lawn,
I told my wife the other night when she came back to bed my feet were cold so now’s the time for me to tell her not to bury me or burn me
Roscoe and two cousins rented a va… and drove to Mississippi for the f… of another cousin they grew up wit… It took six hours to get where three old men didn’t want to go
Ten years ago, when they were tykes just in their 70s, Melvin used to tell Emma eat your Wheaties
Porch light bright all night keeps thieves away but not the moths that dance till dawn