Walt told the cops later his moods come and go like crows on the high wire above his art studio. They land in a swoop,
For some nervous wrecks a pill or two might help. For others
As autumn turns colder there’s only one moth fluttering at midnight around the porch light. He’s the last of the flock
Midnight in San Francisco. Yoshiko is 93 and she can’t sleep so she sits in her recliner and nibbles on a rice cake,
Dubville used to be a quiet town, not that much was going on. The young would move to the city after high school… The elderly would stay because
Two men running for office disagree about everything but have one thing in common. They won’t release their tax returns.
Someday you’ll be in bed dying like I am now and people you love and some you don’t will come by to say good-bye. They don’t know what to say because we’re all amat…
On a clear day in the day room he will tell anyone he has had an askew life. When he was a small boy out for a Sunday walk
Being poor on our patch of land was better than being poor all the years I’ve lived in the ci… We had a couple of cows, a rooster and seven hens.
He likes people if they are useful. Women are useful. Employees are useful. Voters are useful.
Tattoos were anathema in ‘52 on any man who got one after an all-night drunk or to impress a girlfriend. But not a word was spoken to
When she leaves the room when will she be back When she leaves the house how long will she be gone When she must go out of town
We have a drop-off problem in Ame… We must decide which restroom one can use when nature beckons. So far, tumult reigns among the pe… If we declare both genders equal
Fred brought his old comic books and some hard candy to a food pant… and didn’t think much about it. Just a different kind of donation. Maybe somebody would want them.
I get an email every day from a man I don’t know and doesn’t know me. Many people receive blind copies of his emails.