Tea in the afternoon with his wife of many years is usually peaceful, Hubert thinks before he makes his announcement. Then he says it. “I’m going upstairs,” Hubert tells Ruth as he hois...
A gathering of elders from the local rest home is out for a walk after dusk on canes and walkers admiring roses and lilies
A doctor by day Ralph spends his nights ordering tulip bulbs from Holland beautiful and rare
They’re the oldest couple my wife and I know and we’re no pups either. Peter out for a walk leans on his cane often
Take it from Martin, if you live in an old house, as much as you love it, bad things happen Despite maintenance,
This senior citizen whose face is Rushmore still squats with pigeons on the steps of the Rogers Park Masonic Templ… She wears a shawl this snowy day
Harvey at 80 is losing his hearing. He can’t hear his wife when she talks, a symphony lost.
Let me be a star and shine in places darkness dwells or let me be a bell and ring in places
This traveling salesman has worn out six vans in 40 years and he hopes to retire soon. Age and illness
Used to be she’d tell him what to get at the grocery store and he always brought it back. Now she makes a list.
Hillary was at the podium setting the record straight for people who have a problem with the tone of her voice. She said when Bill was
The ancient man with raspberry hives on his cheeks since childhood will live alone
Ten years later he still mourns the death of his friend, Bill, such a smart man he could talk to
Last night my recliner broke. I used the lever to lean back and I went way back, almost heels over head. A shock. I hate going to the recliner store
There’s always something. Like the growth you found under your arm showering this morning but you decided to go