Young Tim goes to Zaire to write his dissertation in African Studies. While there he meets and marries a beautiful librarian
She’s not young, his wife. They’ve been together 40 years but when she gardens in her shorts and he’s lying in his hammock she’… a lovely sight to see so when she
Jill’s assignment as a new reporter was to interview an old bell ringer standing next to a red kettle outside a Walmart. Her editor had told her the man has been ringing the bell every ...
Monsanto still has problems after the carnage caused by Agent Orange. People continue to decay. Monsanto’s Roundup
The mug of tea I drank at dawn, the tea that drove me to the train needs a refill.
A neighbor lady I hadn’t seen in a year I heard was bedridden. Her former husband dropped by, asked if I’d to take in her trash… when I brought in my own.
Used to be she’d tell him what to get at the grocery store and he always brought it back. Now she makes a list.
Easter Brunch is a big deal in the metropolis where Fred lives… Restaurants run their ads Ash Wednesday through Good Frida… Years ago brunch began at 11
My father never talked much about religion but he went to Mass every Sunday, the 6:30 Mass where few people would be and he wouldn’t have to deal with friends and neighbors. His contrib...
Many decades ago when I was a kid we always expected rain at 3 p.m. on Good Friday said to be the hour
Every time the phone rings Bill’s afraid the caller might say another childhood classmate has di… This will hit him hard because Bill knows he’s moseying along
The problem is, Priscilla grew up in a penthouse having parties whil… Biff came of age under a bridge fighting other trolls, he remember… When Pris calls his office and sa…
When you were a boy in 1948 living on a block of bungalows in Chicago right after WWII you had a red wagon you pulled behind your mother
Ten years ago, when they were tykes just in their 70s, Melvin used to tell Emma eat your Wheaties
The guillotine dropped between you and a friend over coffee and small talk. The first time it dropped it was someone who said