I was out of control, spinning on the whirligig of youth, giddy to be caught in what Kerouac called “the whole mad swirl
It’s Ramadan and late one evening I walk by a mosque and hear little girls laughing on the sidewalk,
Years ago they came from many plac… to study writing at a university in the middle of America surrounded by lush corn fields. They worked hard, became friends,
Wally and Fred voted in the big election and then went to O’Leary’s Bar for a couple of beers. O’Leary’s is where men who work for the city go after every important election. Chicago ha...
Millicent was the daughter who danced ballet and sang until she met Butchie on a rainy day. He was in coveralls and cowboy hat and fixed
Bella takes two big pills every morning followed by one each of another three.
Cookies for George, 40 years back from Viet Nam, are the only payment the man will accept to mow your lawn,
Your life as explained in your letter recently received is very difficult to read. It’s been 40 years since we last saw each other or talked. Most of your problems I knew nothing about....
Am I right or am I right, one neighbor asked the other as they walked the few blocks to vote in different primaries. Some people make a good
Take it from Martin, if you live in an old house, as much as you love it, bad things happen Despite maintenance,
Farmer John knows he’s old but didn’t think he was that old until he went to town one day and met a young lady he liked as much as he likes the corn
We see stories on the internet that are simply fake news, many of them malicious as well. It’s hard to tell the difference but a single sentence found
The uncommon is common in America today. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, Seinfeld
I’m not saying my father hated the English, God forbid. If he were still alive, he’d hate to hear me say that. He’d correct me right away and say he didn’t hate the English. Truth be to...
This Monarch butterfly dances from petal to petal red, yellow and orange sits for a while on each and then