There are pockets of them everywhere, quiet and discreet. Usually they meet once a week
The speaker is Phil Burns, owner of the brokerage firm that Owen Mitchell has had money invested with for years. Owen’s not rich and not poor. He just prefers the action of the stock ma...
There are poems everywhere but you have to find them, a teacher told my class long ago. I was a kid sitting at a desk, cowlicks sprouting from my scalp,
Liberal or conservative the questionnaire asks about migrants. Fred’s in the middle. Asked about The Wall
I have a friend, old and retired, who keeps busy helping the poor. Let’s call him Ted because he wants to remain anonymous. Some of his ideas, he says, wouldn’t make many of his neighbo...
We write the stories of our lives between the bookends of birth and death They stay on the shelf
You start by throwing things out packing things that will fit in a smaller place, selling stuff that won’t, ignoring the birds because the seed’s run out
I turn the porch light on at 4 a.m… to see if a miracle’s occurred and the paper’s landed somewhere in the snow blanketing our lawn. Instead I see a clump on the mat
Even as a child Charles couldn’t forgive other chi… not for something they had done but rather for who they were. They were inferior and couldn’t he…
When Homer stubs his toe or bumps his elbow, the pain is always piercing but Homer’s a pious man so swearing isn’t for him.
She’s not young, his wife. They’ve been together 40 years but when she gardens in her shorts and he’s lying in his hammock she’… a lovely sight to see so when she
No red kettles and bells this December outside the stores at the mall in our suburbs this year. They irritate shoppers,
On weekday mornings on a quiet corner three moms with small sons and daughters wait for a school bus
The longer I live the greater Mar… compared with those who have tried… The man had integrity, guts, ideas… It was heartbreaking in the Sixti… filled with hope for change in Ame…
Jim Daley and Joe McCarthy had something in common. They died at 80 going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Walt O’Brien, their protege, found this out when he called the home...