The stench came first, the young man remembers. It was as if someone had grabbed him by the ankles, turned him upside down
Not a leaf left on the crabapple t… instead little red apples hang like ornaments on a Christmas tree… Little red apples that spend most of the winter covered with sn…
Memories never go away. They’re visitors from yesterday arriving unannounced often to a mixed reception. Faces aren’t clear but
In your mind you hear words snarling all day long but no poem arrives. The words are locked
If America is lucky it might still happen. That lawsuit about the university accused of bilking students might go to trial and the accused
The weekday Mass at 6 a.m. brings old folks out from bungalows around the church. They move like caterpillars
I told my wife the other night when she came back to bed my feet were cold so now’s the time for me to tell her not to bury me or burn me
Roscoe and two cousins rented a va… and drove to Mississippi for the f… of another cousin they grew up wit… It took six hours to get where three old men didn’t want to go
If you live in North Dakota it’s hard to get all hot about global warming in the winter while you watch the snow clog your wipers and you
If the poor we will always have with us, then the rich we will have with us as well. Our system gives birth to both. Greed is part of man’s nature,
The scruffy old man and his white poodle on a long red leash were neighborhood icons years ago down at the corner
The problem is, Priscilla grew up in a penthouse having parties whil… Biff came of age under a bridge fighting other trolls, he remember… When Pris calls his office and sa…
The hands on the atomic clock upstairs finally stopped spinning. As you know, my dear, the hands have been spinning for two weeks. This morning the clock stopped
There are pockets of them everywhere, quiet and discreet. Usually they meet once a week
Homer’s a chair arranger who works in meeting rooms on 30 floors in a building tall as Trump Tower. At least it looks that tall to him