Some never hear of him and likely never will— pygmies in Africa, aborigines in Tasmania, the indigenous in South America.
Remember, a blind man can see things a sighted man can’t… So I’ll tell you about her and th… you can tell me whether I’m right. The first time a man meets her,
You have to have regulations in any industry, the hog farmer told the slaughter house CEO visiting his farm that day. Otherwise raising hogs
She’s not young, his wife. They’ve been together 40 years but when she gardens in her shorts and he’s lying in his hammock she’… a lovely sight to see so when she
Where did it go? I really don’t know. I lost it weeks ago in the middle of the night. Too tired to get up.
Cold Coffee they call him and only a few people know his real name, this odd fellow who raises pigs off the coast of Ireland and comes to town
If I knew I’d live forever I’d never send a poem out. No poem ever comes with ten fingers and ten toes so I’d keep revising, add
After World War II before television, before women had tattoos before men wore earrings, I was a child in a world
After the poetry reading the lights go on and a lady under a big hat rises behind dark sunglasses and asks the poet why
Mae mailed Christmas cards today, fewer again this year because death has made her address book a skeleton. She has a son in Russia
This morning Len sections his bre… with the knife he bought in Paris… on his honeymoon. He bought it fro… at a street market selling every k… beautiful creations he said he mad…
If they irritate you and so many do you don’t seek them out until you need them and when you’re through
It started with a smirk she managed to arrest. It returned seconds later in a sneer she pulled back but then it appeared again
In the fourth grade too many moons ago a reassuring teacher looked over my shoulder and said not to worry about
Two doves on a telephone wire wait tor the blue jays to finish e… bread put out for the birds. When the jays arrived, sparrows fled into the trees