It is said brave folks who understand this new world understand demons. Donal Mahoney
On Sundays Walter gives Pastor J… magazines to read along with comments on his sermons. The pastor loves the magazines but Walter is leaving for another…
The speaker is Phil Burns, owner of the brokerage firm that Owen Mitchell has had money invested with for years. Owen’s not rich and not poor. He just prefers the action of the stock ma...
On Saturday mornings several bowed citizens gather on the sidewalk outside the clinic to read the Bible and pray.
Like that broad in an apricot bra hanging over the sill of her tenement window, the sun is over me now, its nectar laughing and falling.
“You live long enough and bad stuff happens,” Harry told Stella, slurping his coffee. “I’m 94 next week."
A row of lilacs covered with a summer snow. Ten white butterflies. Donal Mahoney
When Homer stubs his toe or bumps his elbow, the pain is always piercing but Homer’s a pious man so swearing isn’t for him.
I’m amazed at the difference between my friend and me. His response to life is so different from mine. I live deep in the city
Being bipolar isn’t easy but it’s tougher when you’re poor and have to walk rather than ride
I will never forget him but I can’t remember his name it’s been so long ago. Maybe I never knew it. But I think of him on days
How many times have I said I’m through teasing myself, through pretending I don’t enjoy the wreath of a woman
I was warm and toasty, curled up, napping in amniotic fluid, without a worry when suddenly
After the Spring rain a dove on a Dogwood branch preens like a starlet
Unable to sleep Bill watches preachers on TV after midnight. The preachers warn the Saved Satan is coming to get them. Bill wonders why preachers do this…