My mother’s maids, when they did s… They sang sometime a song of the f… That, for because her livelood was… Would needs go seek her townish si… She thought herself endurèd too mu…
Is it possible That so high debate, So sharp, so sore, and of such rat… Should end so soon and was begun s… Is it possible?
He strode across the schoolroom in… Great Hector, clanging in his bra… And all the cringing Greeks, with… Creaked into jabbering Ks and tur… Achilles, safe because he could no…
What needeth these threnning words… All this cannot make me restore my… To rob your good, iwis, is not my… Nor causeless your fair hand did… Let love be judge or else whom nex…
The handsome and self-absorbed you… looked at the lovely and self-abso… and thrilled. The lovely and self-absorbed girl looked back at the handsome and se…
My galley, chargèd with forgetful… Thorough sharp seas in winter nigh… ‘Tween rock and rock; and eke mine… That is my lord, steereth with cru… And every owre a thought in readin…
I find no peace, and all my war is… I fear and hope. I burn and freez… I fly above the wind, yet can I n… And nought I have, and all the wo… That loseth nor locketh holdeth me…
Dustily over the highway pipes the… Wind and the rising sun, and wavin… It brings to me days gone by when… The wind is the voice of my home,… When, fresh from the desk and ledg…
Madam, withouten many words Once I am sure ye will or no... And if ye will, then leave your bo… And use your wit and show it so, And with a beck ye shall me call;
Not every man has gentians in his… in soft September, at slow, sad M… Bavarian gentians, big and dark, o… darkening the daytime, torch-like,… gloom,
Mine own John Poynz, since ye del… The cause why that homeward I me… And flee the press of courts, wher… Rather than to live thrall under t… Of lordly looks, wrappèd within my…
The moon is bright, and the winds… Orion swings, with his belted ligh… North and south from the mountain… There’s many an eye will see no sl… There’s many a hand will toil to-n…
The longë love that in my thought… And in mine hert doth keep his res… Into my face presseth with bold pr… And therein campeth, spreading his… She that me learneth to love and s…
The heart and service to you proff… With right good will full honestly… Refuse it not, since it is offer’d… But take it to you gentlely. And though it be a small present,