Tagus, farewell! that westward wit… Turns up the grains of gold alread… With spur and sail, for I go seek… Gainward the sun that shewth her w… And to the town which Brutus soug…
Mine own John Poynz, since ye del… The cause why that homeward I me… And flee the press of courts, wher… Rather than to live thrall under t… Of lordly looks, wrappèd within my…
Unstable dream, according to the p… Be steadfast once, or else at leas… By tasted sweetness make me not to… The sudden loss of thy false feign… By good respect in such a dangerou…
I came up to-night to the station,… My swag ain’t too heavy to carry,… I came through this way to the dig… Thirty years! how the country has… And Jack was my mate on the journ…
In the lands away beyond the sea,… Where they drink their coffee thic… They have white Circassian girls… And it seems to me in our free lan… It’s fenced about with custom and…
He strode across the schoolroom in… Great Hector, clanging in his bra… And all the cringing Greeks, with… Creaked into jabbering Ks and tur… Achilles, safe because he could no…
Is it possible That so high debate, So sharp, so sore, and of such rat… Should end so soon and was begun s… Is it possible?
Dustily over the highway pipes the… Wind and the rising sun, and wavin… It brings to me days gone by when… The wind is the voice of my home,… When, fresh from the desk and ledg…
My lute awake! perform the last Labour that thou and I shall wast… And end that I have now begun; For when this song is sung and pas… My lute be still, for I have done…
Ye old mule that think yourself so… Leave off with craft your beauty t… For it is true, without any fable, No man setteth more by riding in y… Too much travail so do your train…
And wilt thou leave me thus? Say nay, say nay, for shame, To save thee from the blame Of all my grief and grame; And wilt thou leave me thus?
My mother’s maids, when they did s… They sang sometime a song of the f… That, for because her livelood was… Would needs go seek her townish si… She thought herself endurèd too mu…
There’s a sound of many voices in… And letters coming up in shoals to… And every boat that crosses from t… Is bringing waves of shearers for… For the shearing’s coming round, b…
Forget not yet the tried intent Of such a truth as I have meant; My great travail so gladly spent, Forget not yet. Forget not yet when first began
My galley, chargèd with forgetful… Thorough sharp seas in winter nigh… ‘Tween rock and rock; and eke mine… That is my lord, steereth with cru… And every owre a thought in readin…