heaven throw me out but i’m keeping the halo you should have no doubt i am ready for limbo so hold me
streets become narrow and sidewalks vanish layers are important heavy socks and the right pair of boots
(a) his job (b) his home (c) his girl (d) his mind (e) his life
illuminated with the yellowish-ora… parked alone now waiting to be driven away by the last man at the office dedicated to his job
love digs graves all around the world but i used to
in one kiss four lips translate all the languages of the world into a story none of us understand
man that lives to yearn sips at the tit of poison no will, but to die
if significant to one and not to another maxims adages cliches
was afraid of heights until i looked at my back and saw i have wings
joyless carnival merry-go-rounds of a troubled mind the amusement of fright and despair
every doughnut tastes like tauntin… classmates laughing and making jokes at your expense every slice of pizza reminds you
A long lone bicycle ride there. I have to stay off the booze. I have to stay off Facebook.
regret of the clock once wanted to be a watch even time gets lost
he lights one last flame home is where the burning is bed of devil’s rest
Eclipse was the illegitimate daugh… of the moon and the sun beautiful and frightening shining and dark all at once