every doughnut tastes like tauntin… classmates laughing and making jokes at your expense every slice of pizza reminds you
desert town of fools born of sand and rainmakers devoted to thirst
i think about her at least once every day i think about all the different st… that i could take to get to her ho…
she heard him crying before the knock at the door two cops with bad news
on a good day a poem is just a death threat to e… on a bad day it is a love letter
sparks fly when you put a couple forks in the microwave too
it’s okay if you want to stay insi… listen to a Bon Iver song on repe… eat too much ice cream and think about all the girls that got away
there she was again in my dreams last night perhaps it is faulty programming a virus or malware but for whatever reason
where every man has gone before and i don’t think i’ll be too far… but still it’s too bad that we couldn’t make… it’s too bad that we ever fell fro…
word traveled fast about the man with the crying ears sad with silence an absence of music left an absence in him
Charles with his typewriter and bottles a bluebird held hostage in his hea… all the women he wanted all the jobs he didn’t
there will plenty of time to be si… when the abyss avalanches down upo… burying you deep into eternal abse… so raise your voice while you stil… because even if you can’t yell tom…
the anticipation was staggering be… rifling through the closet for tha… a faded Misfits tee and my black leather jacket but the shows were always a disapp…
apologies were often on the wind before her lips but when a girl’s got those big be… well
submerged so deeply in abysmal woes of self he makes his last choice