Danny Price

Are You Music?

word traveled fast
about the man with the crying ears
sad with silence
an absence of music
left an absence in him
the heroes of this story
were a note and a beat that
embarked upon a journey to the man’s home
they rolled
down roads of relentless rhythm
they marched
through fields of mired melodies
they trod
tirelessly over trails of backbeat tempos
and they persisted
along long paths of panged percussion
when finally they reached the man’s home
the door was open
they walked in to find him
alone in a house empty of sound
staring through the walls
and deeply into a hush
the beat broke the silence
with a tap at the doorway
he lifted his head toward them
with the faintest expression of hope
fighting its way onto his face
in a voice that had almost forgotten
how to speak
he asked
“are you music?”
the beat nodded
and the note said
tears of joy welled up in his ears
and he sang
“i am so glad that you are here”

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